SOGO | Valentine's Day Photo Spot INTEL | Chinese New Year Event Setup DELL | Year-End Party Decoration Design TSMC | AI Human Head Prop Birthday Decoration | The Great Gatsby Citi | Year-End Party Tai Fertilizer | Hall Wall Chinese New Year Decoration INTEL | Chinese New Year Event Setup HQ Group | Year-End Party Decoration Design DHL | Chinese New Year Celebration and 50th Anniversary Boehringer Ingelheim | Large Custom Models DELL | Year-End Party Decoration Design INTEL | Year-End Party Decoration Design Wedding Decoration SIMBO | Office Year-End Party Setup - Around the World Ray-Ban X Full Vision | Vogue Picnic Day Ray-Ban X Full Vision | Vogue Picnic Day - Bali Style Boehringer Ingelheim | Office Wall Decor - Paper Art Wings Cute Bear Series Tissue Box Large-Scale Model | BELLAVITA Shopping Mall Taiwan Power Company | Christmas Decorations ROBINMAY | Window Display Design - Halloween Sakura Home | Christmas & New Year Store Design Setup San Ye Master | Restaurant Wall Design Setup Sakura Home | Brand Event Store Setup - Fresh Graduates Synology | Office Setup - Earth Day Synology | Office Setup - Earth Day PlayNitride Inc. | New Year Decorations BREEZE | Year-End Party Decorations INTEL | Chinese New Year Event Setup CHUNG YO GROUP Year-End Party Proposal - Animal Party Community New Year Wall Decor | Year of the Tiger Hermes-Epitek Year-End Party Proposal - Event Visuals DHL | Asia-Pacific CEO Reception Party SOGO | Taiwan Food Travel Exhibition Halloween Event | Squid Game SOGO | Autumn - Commercial Space Design Setup PlayNitride Inc. | New Year Decorations South Urban Hotel | New Year Decorations Synology | Office Setup - Christmas Decorations SOGO | Mother's Day 櫻花家居|婦幼店面佈置 花旗菁英盃-活動視覺提案 加拿大鵝Canada Goose|櫥窗佈置 瑪格麗特婚紗|櫃台佈置 婚禮佈置|星空 POCKY|快閃打卡點 星太郎點心麵|品牌快閃設計佈置 POCKY|巡迴展覽 SOGO|新竹店樓層開幕 2020EYEhaus頂級精品眼鏡|店面佈置 小鱷先生の餅乾販製所|拍照打卡區 SOGO|母親節打卡點 甲山林水立方|新年佈置 生日佈置|可愛馬卡龍 DHL感謝週|全台據點打卡牆 SOGO|情人節佈置 ASUS|展覽陳列櫃裝飾 高雄草衙道|花牆 SOGO|台北蝴蝶展 菲律賓克拉克美多利賭場酒店|玫瑰紙花聖誕樹 baby baby cool有機棉精品童裝|摺紙 Pocky|快閃打卡點-錯視 磊山保經年會-活動視覺設計 GOOGLE-HTC|新品發表打卡點 中佑集團|辦公室佈置-新年 baby baby cool有機棉精品童裝|棉花 百靈佳殷格瀚|辦公室牆面佈置-世界地標紙雕牆 WATPURE美而浦淨水器|櫃位裝飾 櫻花家居|店面設計佈置-母親節 家庭週歲佈置|紙花 星太郎點心麵|寶雅櫃位快閃 台中花博|記者會背板 LOUISA咖啡廳|熱帶雨林 舊振南漢餅|新年佈置 EDN化妝品櫃|摺扇屏風 舊振南漢餅|情人節 中佑集團|辦公室佈置-聖誕 SOGO|父親節 家庭週歲佈置|紙雕相框 婚禮佈置|浪漫童話 婚禮佈置|鑽石紅 婚禮佈置|典雅氣質 婚禮佈置|愛麗絲 婚禮佈置|百老匯 蝦皮金品獎-活動視覺設計 拍照打卡景點設計-赤箱皂x小兒子 磊山保經運動會-活動視覺設計 KPMG家庭日-活動視覺設計 SOGO|夏季打卡點設計佈置 同心精品店|牆面裝飾 客家文化園區|樹 香港英皇電競|活動打卡點 成衣型錄|攝影棚拍攝道具